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The Faculty & Staff Campaign for the University of South Florida is a fundraising effort that allows you, the employees of USF, to make a gift to the area of your choice at the University. These gifts stay at USF, and make a lasting impact in each area that you choose to support.

Have participated in the Faculty & Staff Campaign.

The Honors College
Message From the Dean

The Honors College at the University of South Florida continues to move forward in its mission to develop tomorrow?s leaders by providing first-rate educational opportunities to the most highly motivated, intellectually curious, and academically accomplished students at USF.

Established in 2002, and one of only 61 such programs in the nation, the USF Honors College has grown into a nationally recognized program that successfully prepares graduates who go on to great careers in both the public and private sectors, and win admission to top-flight medical schools, law schools, and other graduate programs. That success is built on an academic experience characterized by personal attention, extensive student-faculty interaction, challenging course materials, and a classroom atmosphere emphasizing thoughtful analysis and communication skills. That experience is deliberately enhanced by opportunities for community engagement, international education, and research projects. Our goal is to ensure that Honors College students graduate on time and are prepared to be successful in their fast-paced, global world.

A strong Honors College benefits the University and the community. The University benefits by attracting the best and brightest students, including National Merit Scholars, high school valedictorians, and Bright Futures Scholars. Many Honors graduates remain at USF for their graduate or medical studies, helping the University of South Florida earn a top ranking from the prestigious Carnegie Foundation. The community benefits when these exceptional students stay in or return to the Tampa Bay area after graduation to live and work as some of the area's top professionals.

Through your generosity and support, exceptional students will continue to be well-equipped to lead thoughtful and fulfilling lives while making contributions to society on a global scale?as innovators, as discoverers, and as the creators of the future.


Dr. Charles Adams, Dean
The Honors College
University of South Florida
4202 East Fowler Avenue, ALN 241
Tampa, Fl 33620
(813) 974-3087

Fund NameFund PurposeFund Number
Supports programs and priorities of the Honors College 170002
Provides scholarship assistance to Honors College students 170001
Areas of highest priority, including international study scholarships, lecture series, research symposium, etc 170003
Need-based Enhancement Scholarship for competitive recruitment 176001
Supports students who are engaging in original research 176003
Awarded to an Honors College student who has demonstrated outstanding service, leadership and academic achievement 176016
Awarded to Honors College students who choose to study abroad 176006

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of USF employees have participated in the Faculty & Staff Campaign.THANK YOU!